I remember being totally excited for this show. Kammy, Steve, Amy and I... and probably Charlie all went in one car. We drank some beers in a parking lot before going in. Right off the bat we were told Gang Green didn't show and Jesters of Chaos were filling in. While a bummer, I was a fan of the Jesters so this wasn't a complete wash, besides we were really there for Social Distortion. Excreted Republicans were punked out kids and put on a decent show, I barely remember them, but I have photos I hope to dig up. If I remember right, The Jesters had their new and final singer at this show. They got in an altercation with security pretty quick during their set and ended up only playing a handful of songs. There was a long wait before Social Distortion played. I remember hanging around the lobby and Steve joking to me about this short dude's tattoos. Saying getting spiderweb tattoos on your elbows is totally ridiculous now that it's been done so much. The best part was when that dude stepped up on stage to sing a half hour later and we both realized it was Mike Ness. Ha ha ha! Social Distortion played a great show, pulling out all their old stuff and playing a bunch of songs of their new album at the time, "Prison Bound." They dedicated the title song to Oren and everyone laughed. When the lights came on and we thought the show was over, we all went outside to smoke and talk. Suddenly they started locking the doors and people were scrambling back in. I jumped inside with Steve and Kammy, but Amy got locked out with about 200 other people. The lights went out and Social Distortion started playing again... it was completely weird. They wouldn't let anyone back into the venue. I ended up worrying about Amy and went back outside missing the last couple songs, but getting to witness half a dozen cop cars come and see a couple of the Jesters of Chaos thrown into the back of cop cars kicking and struggling. When the crowd confronted the cops, somehow I was at the lead, a row of them met us and threatened to arrest everyone and people kinda backed off. The rumor was that The Jesters had pissed in Social Distortion's spaghetti dinner backstage and a girlfriend had broken a beer bottle, pissing off security and the situation escalated to the point the cops were called. Fucked up ending to a great show.
Funny my wife was wearing my Social D shirt from that show the other night. That place is now a church. I think JOC's singer at that point was a guy named spider it seemed like every time I saw JOC play cops showed up.
ReplyDelete"Funny my wife was wearing my Social D shirt from that show the other night."
ReplyDeleteAwesome. Yeah, you're right about The Jesters singer being Spider at that point, I think they put out one final tape with him, not exactly their glory years. I definitely remember the cops showing up to Washington Hall once or twice when they played... live the chaos! Heh.
That was a fun night, I was the guitar player of The Excreted Republicans (we originated in Ketchikan, AK and moved to seattle) and I made the flyer for Spooky Voodoo. How we got the show is a whole nother story. After the show we abducted the Social D. bassist all night and got him too drunk to stand, then tried to wake him up for hours so he could tell us where to drop his ass off and he couldnt remember where the hell they were staying. He kept trying to kiss our drummers girl friend which was hillarious. I've got tons of flyers from around this time, some I did (crapy) and lots of others for Last Gasp, Asprin Feast, Jester of Chaos, Whipped, etc. Washington hall was the shit and then there was Dino's in the CD. If your looking for more flyers let me know, I also like to trade copies of flyers too.
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