Tuesday, November 20, 2007


So many drinks, fights, great nights, crazy drunkeness, cool people and kick ass bands... every once in a while I think about Gibson's and just get a big grin on my face.


  1. I miss the gibson house sooooo badly. I don't miss the bathroom. I miss the bands. I don't miss those blue toilet bowl drinks. I miss the windows. I don't miss the bums.

  2. Or how about that wet dog/slightly sweet mildewy smell by the bar? Sometimes it smelled pretty ripe, I could never figure out if it was the carpet or what.

  3. remember the leather cover padded edge on the bar?
    when people puked the vomit would soak into that foam padding & the only way you could clean it was by replacing all the padding, which they never did.

    that's yer smell!

    ahh, gibsons sweet gibsons!


  4. I probably miss that bar and venue more than any other in the city. Uncle Rocky's is a close second, but having $3 triple-whatevers (typically screwdrivers, as I recall) served to me by a grouchy stripper/baby mamma while the Clash's "Straight to Hell" blared in the background is easily one of my favorite memories of old Seattle. That, and the bands that were foolish and kind enough to let me twirl baton during their sets. Love your archives, Dan--please keep it up.

  5. I miss Jollie Judy & her Gals & Jan who after a idiot shot up the bar.We sleptbtogether for two months untill i got tired of her pointing out here bullet holes....


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