10 Things Jesus Wants You To Know was the Northwest's largest zine for about a decade, this is version 2.0. I update constantly, so come back for more, your mom sure does. And please please please credit me and link back if you "borrow" my photos, then it isn't stealing!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Les Hormones
Les Hormones from San Francisco came to town Friday night along with The Pets, both bands were playing Seattle and the Slabtown Bender in Portland. Les Hormones' sound is very stripped down raw garage rock, reminiscent of bands like The Sonics and Wailers that were rocking the Northwest back in the '60s. While I'm all for the nostalgia factor of '60s garage rock, what I like about this band is they make it raunchier, dirtier and more fun in many ways. They definitely got the crowd into their show too as the rocked the joint. You can hear a few song here, and the band will have a 7" out pretty soon on Nasty Product.
thanks! Seattle was fun we gotta do it again. look out for our new 7" coming soon on Heads Up!