Monday, March 3, 2008

Crocodile's Legacy Will Live On at University of Washington!

Jim Anderson, sound engineer for Seattle's recently closed Crocodile Cafe, has had much praise heaped upon him by bands who played the Croc, as well as fans who attended shows there. For good reason! He seemed to get a great sound out of bands given the box-like show space, plus he's just a nice guy. One of the cool things Jim did was make recordings from the soundboard and offer bands a copy after their show. Ever wonder about that collection of soundboard recordings? It's mammoth. Anderson has accumulated 10+ years of soundboard recordings on CDs of some of the best live shows to happen in Seattle in the 1990s and 2000s. It's a digital library of thousand and thousands of bands and shows. In the months since the Crocodile Cafe closed, Anderson has been negotiating with the University of Washington to find a home for this collection. The project is still in the works, but it looks like the UW may acquire the massive soundboard collection with hopes to open it up to the world as streaming online archives. Fantastic! What a great way to remember the legacy of the Croc, Jim, and all the wonderful bands that played there. You heard it here first!

I'll update y'all when I have more info.


  1. This is awesome. When the news that the Croc was closing came down this was one of the first things I wondered about.

  2. nice to see he isnt concerned about profit just posterity.

  3. I know, it's a rare virtue in America today.

  4. ok

    i just hope this idea of put theses cds online come true

    since i am living on other country

    thank youuuuuuuuuu

  5. you got that right dan, hope you keep up with any news about this.


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