Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Celebrate Seattle music with Mayor Rock'n'Roll!

Long thought of as Seattle's Mayor of Rock'n'Roll because of his overabundance of support for the local music community, Mayor Nickels wants to give you, Seattle music fans, even more! How about a free celebration honoring our music community at the Paramount next week!

Sarcasm aside, I'm not really sure what's up with this. Mayor Nickels has been a rock and club hater, going so far as to hire a "Club Czar" to police local music clubs, but recently he announced he'd try to reduce club taxes. So maybe there is a glimmer of hope that his cold dark heart towards music clubs is thawing just a little. And now this! Some vaguely worded event announcement that the city is throwing a celebration of local music next week. It may just be a way to get all the music fans, club owners, bands and bookers all together to take 'em out in one spot, it may just be a political move where they trot out a few grunge rockstars from the '90s, or who knows, it may turn out to be something cool (like say when Rocky Votolo and a bunch of kids staged an all-ages dance at the public hearing on the Teen Dance Ordinance, much to the dismay of city counsel members!). While I doubt the latter, it's free if you RSVP ahead of time. Click the pic for the big readable version with all the details:

A little more info:

"Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels and dozens of music-related entities - both private and public - are coming together to celebrate and honor Seattle's rich music history and its ongoing importance in our city's economy and culture. On Wednesday, October 29, from 5pm - 7pm at The Paramount Theatre, Mayor Greg Nickels will host a celebration of music and announce a strategy to make Seattle a destination for musicians and music-related business in the coming decade. The night, which replaces our typical monthly Happy Hour event, will include performances by a variety of Seattle musicians young and old, from Pike Place Market to Benaroya Hall, including a spectacular finale! The event is free to the public, but an RSVP is required."

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