I dunno, these look like something the '80s Christian metal band Stryper would wear, they are butt ugly. And vaguely reminiscent of those Revelation shoes that Adidas did:

I'm having a hard time seeing yellow as a rock'n'roll color. What about black and red? Black and white? And I'm having an even harder time seeing what the design has to do with Sub Pop, Seattle or grunge. My feeling: the Iron Maiden Vans are way cooler and so much cheaper, if you want rock shoes, buy those. Or the Dickies Vans!
The Germs Vans low tops were the best of those imho. The bad brains ones were ok to about the same level as the slayer or iron maidens.
Damn, I never saw the Germs Vans... searching to see if they are still available right now. I still listen to the first couple Bad Brains albums, but after their homophobic song, I stopped seeing them live and wouldn't buy any merch with their name on it. I'd just feel like a jerk for supporting that crap.
haha total stryperwear for the suckers!
brewtal thirst, check em out.
Yeah, they pulled the germs stuff since it was a limited run. Just think all black with a blue ring on the rubber. very tight looking.
Didn't Sup Pop experiment with a yellow/black logo for a brief bit? also the revelation logo is gold/black.
"Didn't Sup Pop experiment with a yellow/black logo for a brief bit?"
Ooooh, good question. I don't think so, and a Google image search isn't turning up any yellow logos. But come to think of it, the 7"s often had a yellow label with the black and white logo on it... that makes more sense then with the design. They are still pretty ugly shoes though.
Good god! Those are fuckin uggly!
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