One might get the impression, given the majority of this blog's content, that I'm stuck in some kinda punk/underground rock record skip, with the album kicking off around 1986 and skipping back to the beginning when it hits 1996. Not so, I tell you! While their may be some truth to me having a fondness for my glory years, so to speak, my plan all along has been to spend the first year or so of this blog scanning in tons of my old band photos and writing stories and discographies for gone, but not forgotten, bands and venues. I still go to a fair amount of live shows and have taken an awfully large number of live photos since switching to digital photography about six years ago. Eventually newer photos and bands will start showing up more often here. And in that spirit, I want to talk about a few bands that currently make me currently want to guzzle my beer, scream, dance and shout "Hell yeah!"

First and foremost is The Whore Moans, who have a brilliant pun of a name. Local yokels may have heard of the band because inexplicably two traditionally not very supportive of punk band resources--The Stranger and KEXP--seem to love these guys. But it's not really inexplicable, because they fucking destroy live. Seriously, they are rowdy, loud, catchy, move around a ton and you have no choice but to start moving at their shows, it's a p-rock dance party. You need to check out this band live if you live near Seattle. They put out their own debut CD,
Watch Out For This Thing, which I picked up when they played The High Dive back April and have been rockin' out to ever since. To get a taste of what they sound like, hop on over
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