This is a photo of Elizabeth Davis, bassist of 7 Year Bitch, during a 7YB show at the Weathered Wall in Seattle in September 24, 1992. This was a great show, Seven Year Bitch's debut album "Sick 'Em" had just been released on C/Z and they were riding high with local attention. All the bands were great, it was a packed crowd, The Gits were in their prime, and Selene from Seven Year Bitch owned the crowd during their set. Elizabeth was always a great counterpart to Selene on stage, she'd crack dumb jokes, talk to the crowd and smile alot. I always wondered what happened to her after the band broke up...
Elizabeth is playing bass in VON IVA....
wow, really?
things have changed, for sure.
Hmmm, looks like she isn't in the band anymore but she was playing bass for 'em when they played at the Croc a few years ago.
Good one D. I loved this band!
Elizabeth was also the bass player (the original I think) in the very kick ass Atomic 61.
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