Back around 1989-1990 the University of Washington hosted a series of shows called "Four Bands, Four Bucks." Most of the bands came from the emerging new "grunge" scene before anyone called it grunge... back when they were just punk rock bands, some a little more rock than we were used to. Nirvana, Tad, The Fluid, Crunchbird, Skin Yard, Girl Trouble, The Gits and more would play shows that would run $1 a band. The turnout for these shows was huge, I think I went to most of them, they always had huge lines and sold out. Some of the best Charles Peterson photos from that ear are from these shows, including the mammoth crowd shot during Nirvana with a dude stage diving far above the crowd... it's funny how many of my friends you can see in that shot. This article ran the UW Daily about one of the shows at the time. Phil West, the writer, wrote a bunch about the emerging grunge scene for The Daily back then and probably got little credit for it.
I remember I think perhaps subbing for you at the circ desk when Nirvana Fluid Mudhoney and Gas huffer came to the HUB (I'm almost sure was the lineup)....To this day, Dan....to this day I regret helping you out--although, had a lot of cute boy long hairs ask me for directions that night XXOX terry
Terry! Heh, thanks for working for me oh so many years ago. Long time no talk, how are you?
I'm alright. Still on Guam and been thinking about Seattle lately and the red head who convinced me, kicking and screaming, to go to my first show ha ha...then I came across your blog (sigh) I remember you showing me the original. I'm so proud of you...aww
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