Like this dude tonight:

Chris Crusher is playing solo opening up for Premise Beach, Touch Me Satan and The Damage Done (who I wrote about a few entries ago) at The Barnhouse in the U-District (5034 15th NE, starts around 7ish).
Also tonight is my favorite surf band in the world... and luckily they just live in Portland. Satan's Pilgrims will be headlining at the Tractor in Ballard, it's the release party for their new CD. The Ghastly Ones and Sugarsmacks promise to get you dancin' and rockin' before the mighty Pilgrims take the stage.
For a louder non-Capitol Hill show Saturday night, let me suggest the metal meets punk extravaganza going down at The Bit in Ballard. It's Neon Nights CD release show with w/The Valkyries, Rat City Ruckus, Mike Moen, and Church for Sinners.
All weekend long, you're encouraged to "Get your Viking on" at the 35th Annual Ballard Seafood Festival. While the 18 year old hipsters will be rockin' the streets of Capitol Hill drunk in tight pants with flat-ironed hair, the aging hipsters of Ballard will be drinking and eatin' it up alongside their retired Scandinavian neighbors. There's also music, which is all free. Highlights include the always entertaining El Vez, the spazzy Rob Morgan fronted Squirrels, and the Dudley Manlove Quartet. There will be a lutefisk eating contest, for god sake's that's gross! For all the details, check here.

Talk about Hardcore Sundays, this Sunday at the King Cat Theater (has this place even hosted a punk show in the last decade?) will be the Seattle stop for the pretty insane 10 Bands for $10 Tour. Headliners include Bane, Terror, Death by Stereo and Poison the Well. I'm sure this will be off the walls, here is the lineup of bands and set times:
Open Fire 4:00-4:25pm
The Ghost Inside 4:40-5:05pm
Trapped Under Ice 5:20-5:45pm
Death Before Dishonor 6:00-6:25pm
This is Hell 6:40-7:05pm
War of Ages 7:20-7:50pm
Death by Stereo 8:05-8:35pm
Terror 8:50-9:20pm
Poison the Well 9:35-10:15pm
Bane 10:30-11:10pm
And in case you are more into the '70s side of punk than the hardcore side, but still looking for action on Sunday, there is a killer show at The Bit in Ballard with The Cute Lepers and The Girls!
Totally agree about the festival setting Dan, I'm seeing Jesus Lizard tonight but I almost wish I had just driven down to Portland (or up to BC) to see them in an actual club/theater. There's something about the open air setting plus the crowd of 80% people who aren't even fans of the band that tends to ruin these shows for me. Still, I'm hoping for the best -- it should be great for what it is!
dude, how could you not mention the Funhouse?
we gots some crazy good gigs!
Sat 7/25
Schmidtaholics -
Fitz of Depression -
Marginal Way -
Shot for Shot -
9:30pm, $6
Sun 7/26
NoBunny -
Rock-n-Roll Adventure Kids -
Blank Its -
Ape City R&B -
9:30pm, $7
Mon 7/27
TV Ghost (Indiana) -
Night Beats -
Consignment -
9:30pm, $7
Jesus Lizard were amazing- as good if not better than ever. Let's hear a report back from Saturday's show at Funhouse- I went last year on Torchhlight parade night and it was crazy with drunken clowns and pirates getting wasted before the parade started.
Hey, man, the youth have more discernment than you seem to give us credit for. I'm an 18 year old "hipster" and I fully agree that Ballard is the place to be at (though I am kind of disappointed by the fact that Bop Street seems to have closed down.
Brian, I totally should have plugged those shows! I don't think I saw them listed on the Stranger's calendar and I seem to no longer be on your email list (probably since my email address changed when I sold the Tablet domains).
Excellent Rose, I was kinda joking you know. Wow on Bop Street closing! I hadn't heard that, they had an insane amount records in there, I wonder what will happen with them if they are closing permanently.
hey dan-
i'd be happy to put ya back on my spam list, what's yer current email?
my as always is
I'm not sure that they've closed but their internet presence seems to have disappeared. I'm not in Seattle at the moment or I'd try to find out for myself.
Hmmm, I might drive over and check it out. Singles Going Steady hasn't updated their website since 2002. From looking at their web presence, one would assume they've closed as well, heck I sure did, so you never know. I'm amazed that any business today wouldn't realize how important a website is, most people Google a business for it's address and info about it.
I just noticed that Bop Street wasn't on the list of record stores doing Record Store Day which seems like something they would've been into, though perhaps that's generalizing too much.
green day is the best and you more beter
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