The big hair, charged, UK '82 punk look of the Bloodclots just makes you wanna down a pint of beer and yell "Oi! Oi! Oi!" Here they are back in the mid-'90s, I'm guessing 1996, playing live at Second Time Around Records in Seattle's U-District. The band formed in 1994 and has had a few changes over the years (Jack Shit no longer sings, they've had a few drummers), but guitarist Maddy and bassist Squints have kept the band going for 14 years.
- 1996, "Chaos Day is Almost Here" 7" (Outcast Records)
- 2000, "Clot You To Rot" 12" (Helen of Oi! Records)
For more information about The Bloodclots, check out: thebloodclots.com
Can we all agree that Chaos Day = WTO riots?
Ha ha ha. Although I was right down their during the WTO protests taking photos, it was less Chaos Day, and more police badly handling a large organized protest and creating a riot situation. If the police didn't start teargassing and shelling a bunch of students, parents, church people and other non-violent protestors, that day never would have gotten to the riot stage.
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