Insanely awesome secret Sub Pop show tonight with Green River and The Fluid. Both bands far exceeded my expectations. And the kids in the audience totally did not know how to rock. But their shortfalls are not my problem, fucking Mark Arm and Steve Turner... and those dudes from Pearl Jam, totally brought it!
Yeah- so I'm fucking pissed that i missed this. Green River's about the only reason I can see for going to the SP20 thing on Sunday, which I'm doing, but I'd much rather have seen them at the Sunset and skipped what is sure to be a nightmare of parking and shitheels at Marymoor this weekend. Balls.
Ditto. Double drag. Would have been better to see this gig then sell Saturday's ticket.
I was very fortunate enough to go to the show (had a great 20 minute conversaton with Jack Endino about the new Flipper album he's producing) and witness something special. Good times for sure.
how was the fluid set?
The Fluid set was great....I was pretty toasted by that point in the evening, but it was tasty indeed.
Somebody had to have recorded this... no self respecting sound engineer would have let this magical event slip through their fingers.
The Fluid set was truly freaking amazing...not that Green River wasn't awesome or anything. But The Fluid sounded as good or better than back in the day...they didn't miss a beat.
Absolutely, the Fluid were great! I left town the morning after the show, so I haven't had time to do a proper review or put all the photos up. Hopefully later today, I got some good ones of The Fluid as well.
at least i have the excuse of living in long beach, ca for missing this! looking forward to more pics.
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