In 1993 Columbus, Ohio band The New Bomb Turks released the album "Destroy-Oh-Boy!!" which pretty much gave a major kick in the ass to the punk and garage rock scenes. Easily one of the top ten albums of the last decade, the band seemingly came out of nowhere with a full album packed of catchy, fast and raw rock'n'roll that was the complete antithesis to the grunge scene in Seattle. In punk zines and underground music magazines across the States and Europe huge praise was heaped upon the record and the band, who helped spark a revitalized punk rock movement. I can't understate how important The New Bomb Turks were to underground rock in the '90s, as well as my own music fandom. "Destroy-Oh-Boy!!" was the shot of adrenaline I needed at the time, much like Bad Religion's "Suffer" five years earlier. Harnessing the spirit of bands like The Dead Boys and Pagans, updating it with a garagey-feel, breakneck speeds, catchy songwriting, and witty, insightful and sometimes dark lyrics, The New Bomb Turks were the total package.
NBT touring in support of their first album and played Seattle's Off Ramp. I met up with the band before their show and along with Rev. Rot'n'Hell from Vancouver's Gee-Zus zine. We sat around in a van drinking and talking with the band for an hour or two, they were super cool dudes. I saw the band probably every Seattle show they played over the years. This photo is from the band headlining at the Gold Coast in Vegas in front of a couple thousand people during the infamous Vegas Shakedown weekend. I ended up grabbing a cab with singer Eric back to the airport when the Vegas festival was over, which was awesome. Fantastic band and most of their albums are worth picking up, especially:
- Destroy-Oh-Boy!! (1993)
- Information Highway Revisited (1994)
- Pissing Out the Poison: Singles & Other Swill... (1995)
- Scared Straight (1996)
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