To say I'm a 3 Inches of Blood fan is a bit of an understatement. I loved only certain metal bands in the '80s. I leaned more towards Metallica, Megadeth and Exodus rather than the more popular hair metal bands. That and crossover bands like DRI, the Accused, Verbal Abuse and Nuclear Assault. These days, sure I can laugh and rock out to a Motley Crue song, but that's just pop music to me. The best metal bands for me in the past few years have been Early Man, The Sword and 3 Inches of Blood. Bands that have insane guitar riffs straight from the '80s, harsher vocals, and bring a sense of irony and humor to their music do it for me. More rock, less fashion, and they don't take themselves as seriously as a lot of death metal bands. 3 Inches of Blood are the total package and they have two singers, one that does the high metal parts and one that does growlier hardcore parts, which works great. The band has had a few line-up changes in the past year (the screamer fucked up his voice during the Ozzfest tour and had to be replaced), but it sounds like they are just as awesome as ever. Want to hear them? Go here.
Last June the band released their second album, "Fire Up the Blades." The album rocks, but I still find myself going back to 2004's "Advance and Vanquish." I'm stoked to hear songs from both albums live tonight, when 3 Inches of Blood headline the opening live show at King Cobra in Seattle. The openers are no slouches either, local Plaster always put on a great rock show and also from Seattle, Book of Black Earth, promise to inject your veins with your week's black metal fix. This show is going to be brutally awesome.
Show details:
3 Inches of Blood
Book of Black Earth
Toxic Holocaust
$10, 21+, doors @ 8pm
King Cobra, 916 E. Pike Street
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