Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Name that band!

3 setlists, 3 bands, all from about a decade ago. Can you name any or all of them? Hint... ah fuck it, I'm not giving any hints, y'all have Google:





Anonymous said...

Oh, i'm pretty sure that #1 is Naked Agression. Mmmm, I'm googling the rest...


Anonymous said...

The second one is the mighty Gas Huffer.

Anonymous said...

i was going to say #1 is naked aggression, #2 is gas huffer and #3 looks like Not My Son.

Dan 10Things said...

We have a winna! Actually everyone was right, but j_ingrate named 'em all. I thought Not My Son would be the tough one, it took me a minute to figure it out when I found it.

Anonymous said...

the song Kim gave it away. 10 things comp... yea me. I promise I won't be showing up on your doorstep with Carol and someone else while you and Amy are getting out of a cab at 2 in the morning again.