"Of all the displaced businesses on Pine Street's beloved, about to be demo'd block, recently closed Sugar's slick and shiny all-white interior may seem best suited to Manray. . . however, our eagle-eyed food editor Jonathan Kauffman just sent over this info from a New Year's Eve-dated application for an alcohol permit:
Notification Date: 12/31/2007 Current Business Name: SUGAR NIGHTCLUB New Business Name: KINKORA PIKE ST Business Location: 916 E PIKE ST, SEATTLE, WA 98122-3817 Current Applicant(s): TIGER FOSTER, INC. New Applicant(s): KINKORA PIKE ST LLC; GARZA, JAMIE; SABADO, CHE Liquor License Type: SPIRITS/BR/WN REST LOUNGE - Application Type: ASSUMPTION License Number: 073922"
I do have to point out, however, that if the Seattle Weekly staff didn't make a typo, then the name is spelled differently. Kinkora may very well be the name of a kinky new dance club, rather than the number one hangout spot of Slats.

UPDATE: The Strangers' Line Out music blog has the whole story here. Personally, I'm not sure a club named King Cobra, after one of the worst malt liquors, with a magazine editor that has done very little booking as the booker, and a wide open music format sounds that promising. But it's a good location and we need more 300 person clubs... I was kinda hoping for just a bar or at least a more genre focused live calendar. That makes it more of a hang out spot. But let's give it a chance when it opens! I stoked for a new club!
I heard it's going to be called Kobra.
stranger took 10 things off the "friends of slog" list.
look what ya get for bring friendly w/ the seattle weekly......
It's the music blog that has 10 Things at the top. http://lineout.thestranger.com/
Sweet, anonymous shit-talking. Anonymous #3 is correct however. The Stranger has had a link to this blog on their music blog Lineout, not Slog, for quite some time. I thank them for it, it brings in a lot of readers! Quite a few ex-Tablet writers are now at the Stranger and Weekly (Ari Spool, Rachel Shimp, Paul Constant), I love to check out their stuff. I have problems with both paper's music sections, but that doesn't keep me from reading. Hell, I don't expect any publication to cover all the bands I love, that's why I've always done a zine, newspaper, magazine or blog myself. I'd much rather do my own music coverage than spend time bitching about what others aren't doing. But I also read Lineout, Reverb, ThreeImaginaryGirls, Lamestain and quite a few other local and national music blogs daily because I'm a music geek that way.
King Cobra's booking agent may or may not know how to promote the shows he books. What is indisputable is that he has good taste in music, and that he's been consistently one of the 1st people to give props to bands before anybody else does.
The Club is in a high foot traffic area, with the Cha-cha now across the street from it. (Not my favorite place, but it's popular.) With being next door to the Comet and near way too many dance clubs to count, I think this could be exactly what the Hill needed.
I was never a fan of Dishelved, but I think it was because the writing was so bad, it seemed chock full of spelling and grammatical errors. The kind of stuff you'd expect from a blog, but not a magazine. Even when I did a punk zine I had a couple of people proofread every page and would edit the crap out of articles I thought were poorly written. It's music coverage seemed all over the map to me, I certainly wouldn't say from reading it that the guy had excellent taste in music or was the first to cover a lot of the bands that were in it. But then again, I'm also one of those people that covered a ton of local bands before the mainstream press for decades, so I'm probably more suspect of such claims. I also don't think I'd be a very good club booker, even though I've been a music editor for 16 years. But hey, that's me, it might be totally different for this guy. I'm just saying being a music editor or publisher in the past isn't resume material for booking a club, they're two very different things, so I'm not sure his past publishing experience should be thought of as the reason why he will be a good club booker. And I do agree, the club will be in a great place for music around other clubs and bars and it has a lot going for it. I love that area and love new clubs... although parking absolutely sucks there, it's almost worse than Belltown on a Saturday night.
No debate there. You're talking about the shittiest place in the shittiest neighborhood to park. Something tells me that they would be best suited as a venue for big local shows, rather than national touring acts. The venue is definitely not a good destination.
He was always pretty friendly to the hip-hop scene before the weeklies took notice.
I think it might be a tad unfair to compare your work to Disheveled. You were considered one of the country's best editors. Or at least enough for MRR to give you the nod. This is a guy who mostly covers bar bands in the area. Huge difference. You were on a semi-national distribution level. I doubt anybody out of Seattle read Disheveled.
I respect the mag for giving coverage to bands on the funhouse circuit. For print media, Disheveled is better than some *current* alternatives. I would listen to them way more than the Seattle Sinner, or Exotic Underground. (Ugh.)
I'll post up info/photos/your mom as soon as i get 'em
It's awesome that they've pulled Jenny Bendel on board.
Yeah, Jenny rocks!
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