Help me identify this photo! It's at the Goathouse from around 1993, but I don't know what band it is. Pat thought it was of The Pist. It looks sorta like them and they have a funny picture on their website juggling in the back yard of the Goathouse with Greg Bennick from '93. But I emailed The Pist and just heard back from singer Al and he says it's not them. The search continues...
Update: Mystery solved thanks to Zaac in the comments, this is Two Minutes Hate opening for Los Crudos at the Goathouse. I think I have a Two Minutes Hate demo, I really liked these guys and wrote about them in a few old issues of 10 Things, so I'll try to find it and give them a proper entry with some music.
i can't name the band, but the guy looking back is Kelly Ockinga. He used to put on most of the Jalepeno / Punk / Goathaus shows and played in Lunchpail, Candy & the Hot Dice, and few other bands.
I think the guy looking back is actually Cameron Chapman... but I could be wrong. I totally forgot about the band Hot Dice! And the Jalepeno House... was that the one just of frat row in the U-District that used to have shows? I had some good times at that U-District house.
yup, the Jalepeno house was on 17th.
That's Two Minutes Hate playing with Los Crudos. I'm the one on the right, playing guitar (Zaac - Balance of the World, Nothing Left, The Arid Sea, etc).
I played with those guys for about 6 months in the mid 90's. Dylan from Struggle joined for awhile, but i'm not sure if he was there for that show or not. I'm drawing a complete blank on the name of that singer... there was Jeph on drums, Jaime on vocals, Dave Kroan on guitar someone playing bass...
...it's been too long, i can't remember. That's definitely us though. Thanks for posting that!
Thanks Zaac! That's great, I even posted it on Northwest hardcore back in August and no one could name the band. I remember loving Two Minutes Hate, fun heavy punk/hardcore/crust great energy.
That was a pretty fun band to work with - everyone was genuinely cool and there was always a mob of people watching us practice or squatting at Jeph and Jaime's parent's house. Admittedly, it got kind of claustrophobic with 4 people trading off different vocal parts, but it was fun none-the-less.
And i really appreciate seeing that picture - it's the only one i've ever seen of us playing, so it means a lot. That show was some fun too. The guitar player from Los Crudos borrowed my guitar and basically shredded his hand on it.
When i got it back i had to take the strings off to clean all the blood and sweat out of the pickups and off the neck. Disgusting but awesome. :) I still have the shirt i'm wearing in that pic and i still play the same guitar. Freakish.
I think Capitalist Casualties played that night too? I can't remember... or maybe it was the Assuck show they played. My memory's a little foggy.
And did you go to the Assuck show at the Goathouse? I'd love to see some pics from that. It was hotter than hell and only a few of us could stand to stay in the room... thrashing each other to death. I loved that little room.
And thanks again Dan; it's awesome to see someone documenting that time period in Seattle. It was a lot of fun. Got any pics of Whipped?
Oh wait - the other singer's name was Brian (shaking the cobwebs loose). But the more i look at it, i think that's Jaime you see in the picture. A thinner and more crazy looking Jaime than i remember, but i'm pretty sure that's him.
Here's a flyer with 2 Minutes Hate (before i was with them), Inhumane and Spearhead (who i played with before we changed the name to Balance of the World).
Funny show - Lee Pollard almost got ran over by someone who then drove their car into a brick, exterior wall on the venue, putting a huge crack in it and breaking the load-in door a few feet away.
I don't think there were any more shows there.
Singers name was actually Bryant not Brian.
That's right! I don't think i've even seen that guy since then.
People should read this.
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