I met Doug "Dick Thinker" Fedinik through the national Punk-List email list about 15 years ago. He was the bass player for this band in Pittsburgh called Submachine, who I'd never heard of. When he sent me their first 7" I was hooked, they were crass, funny, and had a great Poison Idea feel to them. Great old school punk and unashamed drunks. When they toured out to Seattle I hooked them up with Cameron for an all-ages house show at the Radio House and they rocked the joint. They played the Lake Union Pub later in the evening too... I remember them trying to score meth through bartender so they could get more fucked up at the end of the night. Doug later left the band and got married and became a dad, but the band continued on. They've put out a slew of great releases and I'm amazed they still are fairly underground and haven't gained the notoriety they deserve. You can hear them on their MySpace page.
Current line-up: Alex Peightel on vocals, Jeff Cherep and Rick Budway on guitar, Greg Mairs on drums, and Jay Nulph on bass.
- Mindless Device -7" ( 1991:, Rust Records)
- This Is Why We Are The Drunks 7" (1992, split w/Filth)
- Sex Deterrent 7" (1993)
- Now That I've Given Up Hope, I Feel Much Better LP (1994)
- Split 7" w/Pink Lincolns (1994)
- Shooting Blanks 7" (1995, split with Blanks 77, Six Weeks Records)
- That Hurt - 10" (1997, C.I. Records)
- Anthology Of Vinyl LP (1998, C.I. Records)
- Fresh Outta Give-A-Fucks LP/CD (1999, Radical Records)
- Cut on "Nevermind the Sex Pistols, Here's the Tribute" CD (2000, Radical Records)
- Live Fast Die Dumb LP/CD ( 2002, Six Weeks Records)
- Carpe Crochum 7" ( 2002, Republic of Chesterfield Records)
- Submachine "Loose At The Moose" DVD w/audio CD (2005, Da' Core Records)
radio house show was on the 4th of July. Lake union pub was the next night. Third night they played at some old house down by i-90 off rainier.
They stayed at my apartment the first two nights, and i remember going to Dick's with them in lake city and ordering 200 cheeseburgers. They had the worst luck on that tour between vans and then a ton of gear being stolen in SF.
That's right, they stayed with you, that must have both been fun and a nightmare! Ha. I think the house by I-90 off Rainer was the one Michelle from Whorehouse lived in. I remember seeing a show or two there, bands would play in the unfinished basement on a dirt hill!
Hi Dan. Dick Thinker here.
I'm a long time listener but first time caller. Love the Show.
A friend sent me a link to your mention of the subs. I was flattered that you recall.
I'll always remember the beauty of fireworks in Seattle and that huge radio antenna thing we stood under, talking. I recall your girlfriend ,frequently. 4th of July is great in Seattle.
We got ripped off in Sf on June 30--my birthday. They got my 800w head, my boots and my hair clippers, all our records, Jeff's and Ricky's heads and our meager schwag.
Yes, I now watch a lot of Fairly Odd parents. It all didn't screech to a halt because of the boy. I was jettisoned nearly ten years prior to my wiener's success, because of creative differences that included, but were not limited to falling down loaded and being unable to play (though I am unable to play sober as well).
I played afterwards with Master Mechanic, who had looser coherence restrictions.
The Subs did a couple of trips to Europe and play on occasion. They Played in West Virginia to Celebrate Chris henry ( our roadie/tattoo guy)'s Birthday in the spring with the Blanks.
Thanks for such a nice and accurate recollection. I have hundreds of seven inches of subma, if anyone cares.
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