Last Saturday night I went to an excellent show at the Monkey Pub that really should have been more packed, because holy shit,
9 Lb. Beaver put on a show! It was my first time seeing ex-Rickets singer Scott Reese's band 9 Lb. Beaver. They were totally hilarious with super goofy songs, costumes and staged routines mostly revolving around Ric Flair and wrestling. They do songs about rollerderby, Les Schwab tires, Spokane girls, and cover both Rainer and Hamm's beer commercial songs. Awesome, they put on a full show. It's fairly un-PC, which I guess got them into a little trouble when they played Funhouse, but you can tell it's all tongue-in-cheek and supposed to be funny. The singer pretends he's Rick Flair for god's sake. Seriously, don't miss these guys next time, they are hilarious.
The Bill Collectors were up next and rocked it. They had more witty banter than usual (and that's saying something, the lead singer does stand-up comedy), Owen was fucking on with the wrestling comebacks to 9 Lb. Beaver. I haven't laughed so much at a rock show in ages.
9 Lb. Beaver:
The Bill Collectors:
ps- There is an excellent photo montage from this show up on the Stranger's
Lineout music blog
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