Fat Anthony (RIP)
Fat Anthony was a plump crusty punk kid I first met hanging outside a house show drunk, cracking jokes and pretty much holding court with half a dozen or so people because he was so funny. He wore a dirty tan t-shirt with beer bottlecaps stuck on it, smelled pretty bad, but I stuck around and ended up talking to him for hours because he had great stories and was totally fucking funny. Over the years I ran into him all the time at shows around the U-District, Olympia, Everett, etc. In this picture he's singing along with I think Flight 800 at a show at Second Time Around Records in the U-District. A few years ago Anthony died of a staff infection that was left untreated. His smile and sense of humor are missed.
Was he from everett?
Yeah, he definitely was from Everett.
good guy I met him when he lived in the projects in N'rott. Used to skate with him and the e-ball crew.
woah...that sucks.
I used to run into that dude when I would catch the bus in Everett.
he was such a nice guy.
super friendly and outgoing.
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